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Being Listed As A COVID-19 Exposure Site And What We Did About It

JAGA Covid Clean Swanson Court

The words no business wants to hear in 2021: You’re Listed As An Exposure Site.

Running a connected and thriving co-working space in the midst of a pandemic where the government wants everyone to be at home and as far away from each other as possible… has been a little tough!

Let’s be honest, the last thing anyone wants to do when the threat of catching COVID-19 looms overhead is to close themselves in an office full of other potential virus carriers. For the most part, 2021 has seen the team at JAGA grow closer as we navigate this testing time, try to support our members in the best possible way and prepare to open our second site in Canberra. 

Then, the words no business wants to hear in 2021: You’re Listed As An Exposure Site.

Bam! Having one of our Members test positive to COVID-19 and our Swanson Court office being listed as a COVID-19 exposure site, was not on our 2021 dream board. However, we did what was necessary and required. 

Our COVID-19 Safety Plan included:

Temporary Shut Down

We temporarily shut the doors to our Swanson Court office so that we could follow the ACT Health protocol.


Yes, our Owner, his family and all affected team were all isolated until our necessary negative tests were returned. All Members who had visited our offices on the day where there was a COVID-19 positive Member were also isolated until they returned negative test results. 


We completed the Terminal and Decontamination Clean at JAGA Swanson Court,Belconnen on 30th August 2021. A full disinfect and sanitation clean of all accessible areas and surfaces was carried out (including but not limited to):
  • Reception Area
  • Restrooms
  • lifts
  • Co-working area
  • Main kitchen and break out area
  • Corridors
The certificate of cleaning was sent to ACT Health.

The future starts right here, right now.

JAGA provides more than just physical office space; it offers a supportive environment where professionals can thrive, collaborate, and succeed in their endeavours. Whether you’re a freelancer, startup, or established company, JAGA Workspaces aims to be the partner of choice for all your workspace needs.
